“There is salvation in no one else!
God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12.
The cross is a power global symbol for people who believe in Jesus Christ. For some, it is a powerful symbol of the crucifixion and a constant reminder of the greatest love and sacrifice made for the forgiveness of sins and redemption. The cross, for those who want nothing to do with it is a constant reminder of what they do not want to hear or face in their lives.
The cross evokes love in those who come to its foot to receive eternal hope and new beginnings. The cross is more than a historical symbol. The cross is a symbol of our faith in Jesus Christ. It represents the place of redemption and healing for both our bodies and broken hearts. It is the place where the hopeless find hope, the most unlovable person comes and finds God’s abiding love and acceptance. The unforgiven ask and receive forgiveness of sins at the foot of the cross. The greatest sacrifice on the cross awakens our conscience by God’s Holy Spirit as regards to sin, righteous standing and living and judgement because He that willingly laid laid on the cross is righteous and holy.
The cross of Jesus Christ is not just of victory of sin, death and sorrow, it is an eternal witness to God’s redeeming love and grace. Rejecting the reality of the cross is rejecting the love and the abundant grace of God. Denying the event on the cross is denying ourselves the opportunity to receive salvation as designed by God. We are reconciled to God at the cross.
It is at the cross through the shed blood that we are renewed and find true fulfillment in our journey of life and faith.